Part of the fun of this wedding was having an excuse to take my Jag for a cruise in the mountains for the first time. This meant driving up through Calgary, going through Banff National Park, doing some exploring around Lake Louise, and finally spending a few days up at the Kicking Horse Resort in Golden. I took the Friday off work to take the relaxing 6.5 hour drive from Medicine Hat with nothing else on the schedule that day except for meeting up with Jeanette that evening for dinner.

The day started out with cloudy skies, which were dashing some of my plans to stop more often and take pictures. It actually wasn't until just after Lake Louise that the clouds finally dispersed and the sun came out. Everything seemed perfect from there until Golden, except that evening I heard that the rain around Banff had caused a mudslide that was blocking the West bound traffic. I think I must have missed it by an hour or two, but it did cause delays for my other friends who had yet to make it out for the wedding.
I checked in at the Glacier Mountaineer Lodge late that afternoon, which was a very scenic 14km drive up the mountain from Golden at the Kicking Horse Resort. I was really impressed with the views and my room. The resort was actually pretty quiet over the weekend, and it was actually really nice feeling like we had so much of the place to ourselves. It was a great scene for the mountain top wedding to come, and the day long drive put me in a great mood. Those winding roads were a lot of fun.

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