Showing posts with label Europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Europe. Show all posts

Jul 3, 2024

Champagne on the Top Deck of the Eiffel Tower

Incredible views, twinkling lights, and glasses of Moët & Chandon from atop France's most iconic landmark. Making a point of visiting the top deck of the Eiffel Tower to drink champagne felt so incredibly stereotypical of what visiting Paris was supposed to look like, that when the crowds thinned out it was like we had crafted our own scene out of a classic film.   

Top Deck Eiffel Tower Champagne Paris

Top Deck Eiffel Tower Champagne Paris

Top Deck Eiffel Tower Champagne Paris

Top Deck Eiffel Tower Champagne Paris

Top Deck Eiffel Tower Champagne Paris

Top Deck Eiffel Tower Champagne Paris

Top Deck Eiffel Tower Champagne Paris

Top Deck Eiffel Tower Champagne Paris

Top Deck Eiffel Tower Champagne Paris

Top Deck Eiffel Tower Champagne Paris


Jun 22, 2024

Exploring Amsterdam's Red Light District

Understandably, there's a lot from Amsterdam that isn't exactly "family friendly" or that won't get flagged online without a little censorship, but the city's Red Light District is undoubtedly an iconic and well-visited spot. I was keen to document the vibe of the area, but was well aware that it's against the rules to photograph sex workers in Amsterdam, and it's also not a theme park. 

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam's Red Light District oscillates broadly between the playful and depressing around each corner. The sex museums, peep shows, erotic cartoons, and party atmosphere is exciting and fun, but I won't pretend that some of it isn't sad or even a bit gross - especially if your expectations have been set by movies or pop culture. Amsterdam's Red Light District is a fascinating place though. Don't be afraid to visit it. Just be respectful.

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District

Amsterdam Red Light District


Jun 12, 2024

Your Cinema Needs You in Scotland

This month, Your Cinema Needs You is in Edinburgh, Scotland for the Edinburgh Film Awards where it's been nominated in the Best Documentary category. It's been incredible to see this film travel around the world and pick up so many official selections on this ambitious tour. Obviously, I was optimistic when casting such a wide net with my festival submissions for this documentary, but it's truly exceeded all expectations at this point. June will see the continuation of this festival run as details for the Canadian release are still being finalized.  

Jun 9, 2024

Pantheon in Rome, Italy

Founded between 113-125 AD, the Pantheon in Rome, Italy was originally a Roman temple and later a Catholic church. It remains notable for its large dome, still the largest unreinforced concrete dome in the world. The Pantheon is also one of the best preserved buildings from Ancient Rome, due largely to the fact that it's remained in regular use throughout its entire lifespan. 

Pantheon Rome Italy

Pantheon Rome Italy

Pantheon Rome Italy

Pantheon Rome Italy


Mar 21, 2024

Monarch Documentary: Spring Film Festival Run

A month has passed since "Your Cinema Needs You", my feature-length documentary about Canada's oldest surviving movie theatre, ended its 11-screening sold-out premiere run at Medicine Hat's historic Monarch Theatre. 

Since then, I've been relatively quiet about what's been happening behind the scenes, but with submissions stretching back to January, I'm happy to report that the spring film festival run officially kicked off this week with the first international previews of the documentary taking place in Portugal and Sweden. It seems the feedback was accurate. You don't have to know anything about the Monarch Theatre to recognize countless other cinemas in it, even if they happen to be on the other side of an ocean. 

Monarch Theatre Documentary Film Festival

As an added knock-on effect I've already received several requests from other independent cinemas & film societies across Canada interested in screening the film. It's all promising. Word is spreading and much of it outside of my involvement. 

Because this has been popping up in my inbox a lot too, once we actually get some lasting spring weather in Medicine Hat I think we'll look at potentially running a few more shows at the Monarch Theatre again (if it works within the film festival schedules / rules). That just seems like the place to celebrate this and further support the cinema. Long story short, this is going pretty well so far.