Star Wars Comics
I've never been much of a comic book guy, but I've always appreciated the style. Because of that I've accumulated a small and fairly random collection of graphic novels and comics, like these ones from Star Wars from 1983. These must have belonged to my brother, and I either took them or he gave them to me when I was a kid and they were releasing the special editions of the movies.
While the artwork features some classic Star Wars imagery, like lightsabers and lasers, the stories are kind of bogus if I'm honest. These two random issues (#83 and #94) don't make a whole lot of sense to me as to where they fit into the whole Star Wars plot line, but the artwork is nice. I also love the vintage ads for Atari that were in both books. The accompanying artwork for the games was often more elaborate than what any of them could offer at the time.
Now to the real question though, how much are these Star Wars comics worth? Well, they have appreciated from their 65 and 75 cent cover prices, but from what I've seen they're only worth about $5-$10 each in their good condition. At best (in near perfect / mint condition) they could maybe fetch $30 each. But hey, when you get them (or take them) from your brother, it's all profit.

Star Wars
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