Having grown up in Medicine Hat, I quickly recognized what a valuable thing it was to have images of the past to gauge the progress that had taken place in my small part of the world. I realized that my own fascination and discovery could not only be shared, but that there was a rewarding challenge in showcasing a landscape that had become commonplace to me. The archival images that I first saw made me realize how quickly a community can change and how rare it was for those changes to be documented in a small prairie city like Medicine Hat.
While I work as a professional photographer and videographer, my approach to creating my Around the Hat photo series has been an entirely personal one. I've tried to focus on locations of cultural significance, while also including places that seemed particularly defining to the local landscape. This has included popular, lesser known, or altogether abandoned areas.
At their best, I feel my photographs (especially in combination with the numerous archival images I've sourced) create a mosaic of the growth and evolution that has defined Medicine Hat since its establishment in the late 1800s. Subsequently, my series has an added relevance in that many of the locations I've photographed have either celebrated or are about to celebrate their centennials. In the early 1910s Medicine Hat was experiencing an economic boom, and my series echoes that development by showcasing just how much has changed in the last century. In that sense, this isn't merely a reflection of my hometown, but of the Canadian prairies at large.
You can order custom prints of any of the original photography in this entire collection. They make a great gift and are ideal for framing.
These are some of the Around the Hat series highlights:
- 7 Wonders of Medicine Hat
- 16 Doors: 3 Part Print Series
- Beveridge Block (Vacant)
- Cecil Hotel (Pre-Renovation)
- Cypress Club
- Downtown Medicine Hat
- Earl Kitchener School
- Esplanade Arts & Heritage Centre
- Fifth Avenue Church
- Finlay Bridge
- Ghosting Series: Medicine Hat
- Historic Clay District
- Clay, Creativity & the Comeback: Documentary
- Medalta Potteries National Historic Site
- Hycroft China Factory
- Hutchinson Block
- Medicine Hat: Then & Now
- MHHS As It Was: Photo Book
- Monarch Theatre
- News Block
- Police Point Park
- Prisoner of War Camp #132
- Red Rock Coulee Natural Area
- Riverside School
- Riverside Waterslide
- Saamis Teepee
- St. Barnabas Church
- St. John's Church
- St. Patrick's Church
- Sweet Caporal Building
- Towne Theatre
- Train Station
Hometown Series by Luke Fandrich
During the lockdown beginning in early 2020, and with travel options limited, I took it upon myself to shoot a new library of local content by launching the "Hometown Series" in Medicine Hat, Alberta. Both the "Around the Hat" and "Hometown Series" titles are often used interchangeably and both feature variations of similar content.
The main difference with the "Hometown Series" is that the collection unfolded (and continues today) on the Editing Luke facebook page as singular images whereas the "Around the Hat" collection began as full photo essays of specific locations that debuted on this website.
At present the Around the Hat collection consists of more than ten thousand images. This is a list of locations that I've photographed over the years:
- 7 Wonders of Medicine Hat
- Abandoned Medicine Hat
- Aberdeen Street
- Alberta Clay Products Site
- Alberta Foundry & Machine Co.
- Alexandra Junior High School
- Assiniboia Inn
- Autumn Colours in Medicine Hat, Alberta
- Beveridge Block
- Beveridge Block Interior: Part 1
- Beveridge Block Interior: Part 2
- Beveridge Block Interior: Part 3
- Beveridge Block: Pre-Renovation
- Beveridge Block Roof
- Canadian Bank of Commerce
- Canadian Pacific Railway Bridge
- Canalta Centre
- Cecil Hotel
- Christmas in Medicine Hat, Alberta
- Citadel Building
- City Hall
- City Lights from Crescent Heights
- Concrete Whale in Central Park
- Connaught School
- Corona Hotel
- Courthouse
- Crystal Dairy Building
- Cypress Club
- Dominion Fruit Company Warehouse
- Downtown Medicine Hat
- Downtown Medicine Hat: Part 2
- Downtown Medicine Hat: Part 3
- Downtown at Christmas
- Hoarfrost in Downtown / Riverside
- Revitalizing Downtown: 2nd Street
- Spectrum Festival 2013
- Spectrum Festival 2014
- Sunrise in Medicine Hat
- Vintage 6th Avenue Postcard
- Vintage Post Office Postcard
- Vintage Toronto Street Postcard
- Earl Kitchener School
- Earl Kitchener School Interior: Part 1
- Earl Kitchener School Interior: Part 2
- Earl Kitchener: Renovated Into a Home
- Earl Kitchener: Before & After
- Earl Kitchener: 100 Years Later
- Echo Dale Regional Park
- Elizabeth Street School
- Elm Street School
- Esplanade Arts & Heritage Centre
- Esplanade Interior: Main Theatre
- Esplanade Interior: Fly Tower 1
- Esplanade Interior: Fly Tower 2
- Esplanade Interior: Extras
- Vintage Esplanade Street Postcard
- Ewart Duggan House
- Fifth Avenue Memorial United Church
- Finlay Bridge
- Fire Station #2
- Five Roses Flour Mill
- Fractal Series
- Ghost Murals and Public Art
- Ghosting Series: Medicine Hat, Alberta
- Giant Chess Set
- Hargrave Sissons Block & Merchant's Bank
- Hillside Cemetery
- Historic Clay District
- Hive Artists' Hub
- Hometown Hockey in Medicine Hat, Alberta
- Hull Block / Gaslight Plaza
- Hutchinson Block
- Hutchings and Sharp Interior: Part 1
- Hutchings and Sharp Interior: Part 2
- Hutchinson Block Renovation
- Hycroft China Factory Site
- Imperial Bank of Canada
- Kerr-Wallace House
- Kin Coulee Park
- Kin Park Teepee Village
- Lions Park & Strathcona Island Park
- Local Public Eatery
- Madhatter Coffee Roastery
- Marshall-Mitchell Hardware Co. Warehouse
- Medalta Potteries Historic Site
- Medalta Potteries Interior: Part 1
- Medalta Potteries Interior: Part 2
- Medalta Potteries Kilns
- Artists in Residence / Shaw Centre
- Medalta Potteries Machinery
- Medalta Potteries Train Cars
- Medalta Potteries Winter
- A Little Piece of Medalta
- Tongue on the Post Folk Fest 2015
- Medicine Hat Arena
- Medicine Hat Brick and Tile Plant Site
- Brick and Tile Factory Interior: Part 1
- Brick and Tile Factory Interior: Part 2
- Brick and Tile Factory Interior: Part 3
- Brick and Tile Factory Interior: Part 4
- Brick and Tile Factory Interior: Part 5
- Medicine Hat College Campus
- Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede
- Medicine Hat Stampede Midway 2015
- Stampede Midway: Part 1
- Stampede Midway: Part 2
- Stampede Midway: Part 3
- Stampede Midway: Part 4
- Chuckwagon Races
- Stampede Midway Highlight Reel
- Stampede Classic Cars
- Stampede Extras 2012
- Summer in Medicine Hat
- Medicine Hat Flood 2013
- Medicine Hat Flood: Part 1
- Medicine Hat Flood: Part 2
- Medicine Hat Flood: Part 3
- Medicine Hat Flood: Part 4
- Medicine Hat Flood: Part 5
- Medicine Hat High School
- Old Medicine Hat High School: Part 1
- Old Medicine Hat High School: Part 2
- Old Medicine Hat High School Interior: Part 1
- Old Medicine Hat High School Interior: Part 2
- Old Medicine Hat High School Interior: Part 3
- Old Medicine Hat High School Interior: Part 4
- Medicine Hat Then & Now: Part 1
- Medicine Hat, Alberta in 100 Images
- Monarch Theatre
- Monarch Theatre Interior: Lobby & Cinema
- Monarch Theatre Interior: Projection Room
- Monarch Theatre Interior: Basement & Screen
- Monsignor McCoy High School
- Montreal Street School
- Neon Motel Signs
- North Railway Street
- Ogilvie Flour Mill
- On 2nd: Documentary
- Original Signs in Medicine Hat
- Police Point Park
- Porter Block
- Postcard from the Hill
- Vintage Gas Town of the West Postcard
- Vintage General Hospital Postcard
- Vintage Power Plant Postcard
- Prisoner of War Camp 132
- Rail Yard & Roundhouse
- Red Rock Coulee Natural Area
- Redcliff Pressed Brick Company
- Redcliff Pressed Brick Company Interior: Part 1
- Redcliff Pressed Brick Company Interior: Part 2
- Redcliff Pressed Brick Company Interior: Part 3
- Redcliff Pressed Brick Company Demolition
- Riverside School
- Riverside Veterans' Park Cenotaph
- Riverside Waterslide
- Saamis Teepee
- Saamis Teepee: Part 2
- Saamis Teepee: Part 3
- Canada 150 Fireworks at Saamis Teepee
- Canada 151 Fireworks at Saamis Teepee
- Sunset Timelapse at Saamis Teepee
- Scholten Hill in Autumn
- Spring in Medicine Hat, Alberta
- Spring in Medicine Hat: Part 2
- Spring in Medicine Hat: Part 3
- Spring in Medicine Hat: Part 4
- Spring in Medicine Hat: Part 5
- St. Barnabas Anglican Church
- St. John's Presbyterian Church
- St. John's Church Interior: Part 1
- St. John's Church Interior: Part 2
- St. John's Church Sandstone Graffiti
- St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church
- St. Patrick's Church Interior: Nave & Altar
- St. Patrick's Church Interior: Stained Glass
- St. Patrick's Church Interior: Bell Tower
- Vintage St. Patrick's Church Postcard
- Station Coffee Co.
- Summer Series in Medicine Hat
- Sunrise Series in Medicine Hat
- Sweet Caporal Building
- Swirls Ice Cream
- Thinking Hat Exhibition
- Towne Theatre
- Towne Theatre Interior: Lobby
- Towne Theatre Interior: Main Cinema
- Towne Theatre Interior: Projection Rooms
- Towne Theatre Interior: Upper Cinemas
- Train Station
- Tramps Corner Block
- Triple E Antique Store
- Westminster United Church
- Wind Farm on Box Springs Road
- Winter in Medicine Hat, Alberta
- Winter in Medicine Hat: Part 2
- Winter in Medicine Hat: Part 3
- Winter in Medicine Hat: Part 4
- Winter in Medicine Hat: Part 5
- Winter in Medicine Hat: Part 6
- Zucchini Blossom Market & Cafe