May 17, 2013

A Photo Shoot with Rupali Yeast

When my cousin, Rupali sent me a message about doing some photo shooting last weekend, I thought it sounded like a fun idea. Some of the family was coming down from Calgary, and my Saturday hangout with Rupali seemed like a good chance to kid around and bond over shared interests. I really didn't have any expectations for that afternoon, but then I never thought that we'd get on such a creative kick either. 

Rupali has been pursuing a professional modeling career for the last couple of years. In addition to bookings around Calgary, she spent three months in Shanghai exploring opportunities set up by her international booking agent. Lucky for me, Rupali, having seen some of my photographs, seemed as enthusiastic to let me experiment as I was to have the chance to photograph her. 

I decided it would be fun to try blending some of Medicine Hat's stereotypical backdrops (that I'd already played with in Around the Hat) with Rupali's youthful look and style to create a contrast that I thought looked original. My goal wasn't just to capture a nice portrait, but to create a scene that made the various locations as interesting as my subject was. As a result, not only did Rupali look amazing, but I felt that the images had more depth, detail, and character. 

I loved the challenge of making the Hat seem overtly trendy in some instances, and almost dreamlike in others. Rupali glowed in these surroundings. Even just as snapshots, I think all of our images tell a cool story about the series of brief adventures we had that afternoon around the city.

I would also be remiss if I didn't acknowledge just how talented I think Rupali is. She was continually giving me a variety of looks to play with and didn't hesitate when I brought up ideas for us to try. In the end, I feel like we played off of each other's strengths and came up with some really cool stuff. I look forward to doing it again sometime. Hopefully sooner than later.

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