Mar 21, 2010

Made the Top 24! Please Vote!

To skip ahead and vote click here.

The Film Contest is rolling along and thanks to your support and votes I've made it into round 3 of 4, advancing from the Top 40 to Top 32, and now into the Top 24! Things are getting more serious as this week's votes will determine whether or not I make the finals next week for the final round.

Please take a moment to click on over to my Yobi page to use your email address to cast a vote for my short film. You only need to cast a single vote for the week (the votes reset every week). In a small competition like this your individual vote could make all the difference.

What do I stand to win? A bit of cash, but much more exciting, a trip to this years Toronto International film fest - one of those things that every filmmaker dreams of seeing. This is something that my buddy Jeanette (the actual Geology student in the short) and I would take full advantage of.

Anyway, I'll leave it at that. Please consider taking a moment to check out my campy film school short and casting a vote HERE. Just by visiting and voting you're helping my work gain popularity (even if I don't win). Views for my video have jumped from 27,000 to over 50,000 in just the last couple weeks since voting began.

Thanks for all your help and support folks! It means the world!

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