20 Things To Do Before I Die
Having long been a fan of shows like the Buried Life, and other similar inspirational follow-your-dreams type content on the web, I realized that I'd overlooked sharing some rather obvious blog material. We all talk about this kind of thing, but we rarely think to actually write it down. I felt it was about time I shared 20 of the things (that came to mind while writing this anyway) that I'd like to do before I die. Some of these things are much closer to happening than others, but they're all lifetime goals nonetheless. In no particular order, here are some of the things I want to do before I die:
- Travel to Moscow, Russia and take a picture of myself standing in Red Square. This has been a goal since high school, but I'm also hoping to do a bit more after that 10 hour flight.
- Publish a photo book of my work. Around the Hat seems like a candidate for this one at the moment.
- Write, direct and/or edit a commercially successful narrative short film.
- Visit Charlie Chaplin's Studio (now Jim Henson Studios) in Los Angeles. Chaplin and the Muppets, it's like hitting 2 birds with one stone.
- Take a ride in a fighter jet - and do my best not to barf.
- Buy another old Jaguar and drive it across Canada.
- Have this website reach a million people (or more).
- Help someone else realize and/or share one of their lifelong dreams. I hope to do this one multiple times in my life.
- Own my own slurpee machine. Not a kiddie machine or an ice-crusher, but a genuine industrial sized convenience store slurpee machine.
- Visit Abbey Road Studios (and cross the street of course).
- Fall in love (and not just with her private parts, haha).
- Visit NYC and photograph locations previously made famous in pop culture.
- Speak to a classroom of students about video or photography. I think I'd actually just enjoy the experience of hearing students talk about their work, sort of like a live version of some of the questions I get through this blog.
- Learn to cook better / healthier meals.
- Retrace some of the steps and locations of my Indio trips that I took with Dave.
- Attend an opening or closing ceremony of the Olympics.
- Inspire someone to create or do something that I can't. I know this is vague, but I hope that by continuing to share and create things, some of that inspiration will rub off and reach people and places that I never will.
- See Paul McCartney in concert.
- Make more lasting friendships.
- Bet big and have it hit on a Las Vegas roulette spin (a few hundred bucks is the most I've won on a single spin so far).
- If that last one works out - retire early.
Charlie Chaplin
Filmmaker Life
Nice dreams. Hope you achieve
I want to do #15 with you!
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