All the work that went into the portfolio site won't simply disappear and it may just be hosted in a reduced free format. I'm not yet entirely convinced that I won't just rework my site concept and modify it again. The only thing that's for certain is that wasn't pulling the numbers I wanted it to for it to be worth the current expense. Really, I'm just considering how I can use my domain to its fullest advantage, and right now things keep pointing back to this blog.
If my goal at this time last year was about expansion, my goal now is about efficiency. I'd like to take this blog further, inject more personality, develop more content, and find a broader identity for promotions sake. Creating a more cohesive theme and posting strategy is where I'll start.
In any case, I wanted to invite you all to check out the portfolio site as it is before the end of the year and ask you to send messages or leave comments if you have any advice or feedback about the space. What would make it better, what would make this blog better?
Big changes and a redesign to come for 2011.

I think calling your blog Angry Charlie Films Presents: Editng Luke would make it more successful. :-) Giving it a name people recognize.
Speaking serially of course, it's tough to say what you can do more than what you're already doing. There's a lot of things you've already done that make your blog stand tall above others, and at this point it sounds like you're on the right path with developing new content and just keeping with what got you the views you've already garnered. As long as you have the ambition to constantly reinvent though, there's always room for improvement. Congrats on the success so far, I look forward to seeing the changes in the new year!
Yes, keeping things current is always a challenge, but the start of a new year is usually enough motivation to try something new. Given what a good year this has been it'll be interesting to see how I can improve on it.
I really liked your design! It was really awesome! It'll be interesting to see how it changes...
What was the specific problem, was it the cost?
It does seem like your blog is more of the place where everything happens.
Well it will be interesting to see what happens over the coming year, I'm sure it'll be great!
Good Luck
Mainly I feel like the money spent on mainting and hosting the portfolio site wasn't worth the small amount of traffic it was bringing. Especially since there are numerous ways to find me online already if someone really wanted to contact me. The experiment has me considering new options for the new year is all.
I appreciate the encouragement Alex, and I think the best is yet to come!
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