Oct 6, 2011

Abandoned Movie Theatres

I've always had a fascination with abandoned places (see Bombay Beach, the North Shore Motel or the North Shore Yacht Club).  There's something romantic and mysterious about places that were once popular and thriving and then thinking about what must have happened that ultimately lead to their demise.

For a long time I've collected images of abandoned places simply because I was so intrigued by them.  I can't take credit for any of these stunning photographs and I wish I could remember where they came from, but they're a collection of abandoned movie palaces, theatres, and vintage cinemas.  These pictures make me think about what films where shown there over the years, how many people must have sat in those seats, and about the reasons these amazing places were left to decay.  I wonder what these movie theatres look like now, and if any of them have been saved or simply gotten worse. 

If you find abandoned locations as mesmerizing as I do you should check out the site, How to be a Retronaut.  Their abandoned category features all kinds of forgotten locations and objects that will have you surfing for hours.  They even posted about an abandoned New York movie theatre, which I recognize one of these images from.  It's all really cool and engrossing stuff. 

Oct 5, 2011

Around Town Photography

I shot the following images over the last few weeks and finally got around to sorting through some of them.  More than I have in the past, I feel like I've started to make a habit of snapping up random scenes when the weather suited it or if I knew I'd be in a different part of town. These passing glimpses not only give me new inspiration when it comes to my photography, but they also make me look at where I'm living in a new light. This little city in the prairies only seems to get more interesting.   

Oct 4, 2011

Z99 Commercial Contest

What would you do if you were challenged to make a commercial for a local radio station?  My friend Tyler Cyrenne heard about Z99's commercial video contest (open to all residents of Saskatchewan) and went to work to create his entry, Life Would Be Weird.  He's now made the semi-finals and could really use your votes to help him get some attention.

No sign up or log in is required, simply click HERE to watch his video and give him 5 stars.  The finalists will be determined based on the votes they receive and reviews by a panel of judges.  I'll be sure to keep you posted on the results as the Z99 contest continues.  Thanks in advance for all of your help!