Jun 21, 2009

The Geology Student Makes the Semi-Finals!

I just wanted to send out a quick update and thank you. I just got the news that my short, The Geology Student is now a semi-finalist in the Yobi.tv Online Filmmaking Contest! I'm the weekly winner for week 3 out of 40, which means I'll be competing against 39 other filmmakers come voting time next year.

This is the same position that The Gizmo Tree was in just a few months earlier, so it's going to be exciting to have another shot at the win. At the very least, I'll be featured in the semi-finalist section for the next several months while this preliminary round plays out. You never know how many people might watch from there.

Thank you to everyone who voted and helped me make the semi-finals! I couldn't be more appreciative of your support. Thank you very very very much!

Jun 20, 2009

Day at the Saskatchewan Science Centre

What a day it was, but this actually happened quite a while ago, back at the beginning of January 2008. My friend Tyler and I decided that a trip to the Saskatchewan Science Centre would be a fun way to spend a freezing winter afternoon in Regina. At the time we were both students at the university, and being the production geek that I still am, I thought it would be nice to film the experience.

Tyler knew a girl who worked at the Science Centre named Daya. I had never met her, but when we first got there Tyler decided to have a go at the climbing wall, and it was Daya who was there to help. The day ended up being miles better because of her. It was like having our own private tour guide, and because it was a sunday afternoon and pretty slow, we got to try out and see everything. I honestly didn't expect there to be all that much to do, but to my surprise it was an incredibly entertaining afternoon.

I made A Day at the Saskatchewan Science Centre originally for the sake of sharing it on Editing Luke and having the homevideo for memory sake. Homevideos are still something I don't shoot enough of, which is a shame, because I think this edit demonstrates just how much can be done with simple footage and a bit of creative energy. I even put this short as a clip on my first video reel when I was applying for my job at Stream Media. Not that it's even that complex, but I think the ability to take an everyday homevideo and make it into something inspired says a lot about an editors potential.

The reason that this video is even on my mind right now though is because of Daya. She sent me a message and let me know that the folks at the Sask. Science Centre had seen it and put it on their blog. Not that it's my big break into editing stardom or anything, but who wouldn't be flattered? They see that place all the time, so naturally it feels good to have them recognize my edit and say how well done they thought it was.

On another note, yesterday was actually Daya's last day at the Science Centre so I want to wish her well on her next set of adventures. I'm sure few things will compare to entertaining a couple of fools with a video camera, but being that it was the first time I met her, it was a great way to make a new friend. So best of luck Daya, and thanks for making my Day at the Saskatchewan Science Centre far more memorable than I ever thought it would be!

Jun 16, 2009

The Geology Student on Yobi.tv


I'm going to try my luck again with YobiFilm. Some of you may remember my weekly promoting with The Gizmo Tree through April, but that's old news. I've done some slight updating with my film school short, The Geology Student and uploaded it to their site.

Some may ask, why not make an entirely new short? And the answer is, I am. However, the new projects take time and when I have a bunch of content that most people haven't seen anyway, I feel like I might as well promote it. So here's my plug:

As many of you know, I'm just trying to expand my network and make connections. These video sharing sites are ideal for that. You can help me increase the popularity of my short by casting a single vote for The Geology Student on Yobi.tv. You just need to use your email address, and vote here. Simple as that.

I know it might sound kind of pointless, but if you've enjoyed any elements of my blog you probably have a slight understanding of why I'd even bother with this. You never know who could be watching. Voting only takes a minute and it helps me get a bit of recognition . . . so, please? :)

Thanks for checking it out guys.
See the site and VOTE HERE.

Here's the revised, bad educational film version.