May 17, 2011

Weekend Photography

Over the weekend it became apparent that the final signs of winter had finally retreated.  It was also one of the first weekends that I'd had in a long time where I had no editing to do, no work to think about, and no excuses to keep me from my own distractions.

I actually used my free time to play with my Jaguar.  I gave her a thorough spring cleaning and finally used the custom kit that I'd ordered a few months ago to restore her leather seats.  This turned out to be the perfect project as it meant a full Saturday afternoon in the sun. Soon after I finished up I grabbed my camera and went for a walk around the neighbourhood.  

The leaves were finally starting to show, the grass was changing, and shades of green were popping up everywhere - this shift literally just started happening over the last week.  After what felt like an inexplicably cruel winter I, like everyone else, seemed keen to get outside.  I even spotted a deer walking on the sidewalk across the street from me right downtown.  Here's some of my photography from the weekend.

May 13, 2011

I Am Your Grandma by Jillian Mayer

In the future our children's children will be able to experience their ancestors history through an overwhelming amount of images, video, and social media history.  This fact isn't lost on Jillian Mayer who proves that it's not all going to be as sentimental as it might sound.  Undoubtedly there will be a few gems . . .   

May 12, 2011

Listen Up, Jeeves!

In less than a months time my new site, Jeeves and the Jaguar is set to debut! I've already began post dating a bunch of entries to prepare.  In case you missed my initial announcement, this new site will focus on my enthusiasm for my Jaguar XJ8 and Jaguar pop culture in general.  

June 10 also isn't just a random date, it marks the one year anniversary since buying my British saloon - "the finest motor car in the world" as Will Ferrell said in the Do You Like Luxury SNL sketch.  Just like Editing Luke, Jeeves and the Jaguar is set to have an eclectic mix of content bridging the gap between practical advice that I've picked up and entertaining stories surrounding my mixed experiences.  It's looking good so far, so stay tuned for the exciting introduction in a few weeks time!