Showing posts with label Stream Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stream Media. Show all posts

Feb 8, 2012

Adventures in Corporate Video

Over the last couple of weeks I've started working on a new video project with Stream Media.  What makes this one noteworthy however, is that for the first time in months it looks like we're going to get to create something that won't feel so obviously corporate. If our meetings so far have been any indication, it's actually going to be a lot of fun to pull this off.

Between rough storyboards, discussing techniques for shooting with a DSLR, sharing music, and fine tuning our concept, I'm finding myself wading more in the creative end of production for a change.  Part of it is that our message isn't as didactic as other projects we've done either, so there's room to play and make something that actually feels more cinematic.

My role in acting solely as an editor has been changed up given the nature of this project.  Like I said, I've been involved a lot more in the pre-production and concept than I usually am, and will play a significant role in how our promo is shot.  It's been a few years since I've been reminded of so many different film school exercises.    

I don't want to give anything away while we're in production, but I thought it would be nice to mention that corporate video isn't always as cold as it's sometimes made out to seem.  And while I feel it's always been a creative outlet, it's not quite so often that I've felt like we get the chance to make something with some art behind it.  Who couldn't use a bit more work that doesn't feel like work?

Nov 28, 2011

Twas the Month Before Christmas

If glancing at the calendar wasn't enough of a reminder, the mounting list of projects and last minute goals that I set out to complete by the end of this year has left me feeling the pressure.  That's not to say that I'm not on track to complete them, it's just about a realization of how busy I'll actually be.  

First, and perhaps most pressing, is the list of work projects that I want to wrap up by years end.  This includes  photography for the Weddingstar website, a few promo videos, a year end video for Stream Media, and lingering elements from several projects that keep bleeding into others.  At this time last year I had the same goal but an editing project for Stream kept coming back and it seemed to nix the fresh start I was hoping for when I was still busy with it in January.

As an added line of defense I'm taking the end of December off and have made it clear that I don't want any work on my plate during this time.  Fingers crossed it goes to plan.

Additionally, one of my other big goals for the end of this year is to have my new portfolio site in full swing.  Things are looking good on this front.  The site itself is designed and I've started the meticulous process of filtering and linking content that I want to feature.  At this point it's requiring more updates and refreshes on Editing Luke posts, but it's fun to back track and feel like I'm constructing a solid presentation.     

Over the weekend I also managed to design and order my brand new business cards from and can't wait to have them by mid-December.  It's been exciting to think about how I can continue to brand myself and connect with more people in the new year and I know this portfolio project will help.

There are other things I'd love to do too, like work on my short film Searching Salvation. There are people I want to visit, there are new posts I want to make, there are a couple of books I want to finish, and even a few PS3 games that I'd love to waste a day playing.  It's been a rough year in a lot of very different ways, but I feel like if I make the most of this last month I'll been in a good place come 2012.  It'll also make Christmas that much more enjoyable and relaxing.

Here goes.  


Oct 19, 2011

Stream Media Reel

One of the last projects I had left on my plate from this summer was creating a reel for Stream Media - or Stream.  It's the production company that I first started working with straight out of film school and a place that I still edit for regularly.

Stream Media just finished redesigning and upgrading their website so this project was really the last piece of the puzzle.  For me it was a reminder of just how many projects I've been a part of and how our work has become even more diverse in the few short years that I've been there.  

It's what I've loved about working within a small team of very creative people, I've always felt like I was directly involved in the outcome of many of the projects I was fortunate to be a part of.  Working with clients like the Canadian Forces, Encana, the Medicine Hat College, the University of BC, Medalta Potteries, etc. continues to present a lot of unique challenges that ultimately improve my editing and approach.

This was a fun edit to do for a lot of reasons, but I think what I enjoyed most about it was that it's a clear signal that we're still moving forward, we're attracting bigger projects, and we're catering to more styles and venues than ever before.  It's a great job.

Oct 14, 2011

Mending a Glass Half Full

A few things seem like they're finally starting to pan out.  I've got my car back from the shop, work has been good, and I'm getting away for a bit this weekend.  There's a lot going on still, but it's the good kind of busy that makes you feel like you're actually accomplishing things.

I've been editing a lot lately, but it's also a lot of stuff that I want to work on.  I'm doing a reel for Stream Media's new website, a teaser for the launch of Weddingstar's 2012 magazine, and I've been toying with ideas for my new Salvation Mountain project that I announced earlier this week.  I think I'm feeling more productive and generally more positive now that I'm finding new things to work towards.

To say it's been a strange and stressful year doesn't quite cover it, but everything has also been moving so quickly that I feel like I'm entering another chapter of 2011 now.  I was sitting at my computer last night listening to music and reviewing footage and it hit me - my life could be so much worse than it actually is and here I've been stressing myself out about things that I can't really control.  

I guess we can't help but do that sometimes, and when things are already bad it's often easier to blame someone else because of it.  I've been challenged to confront my own limitations this year.  How much can I really work?  What's actually important to me? Where do I want to go from here? I haven't come up with easy answers for any of these, but I at least feel like I'm paddling my own boat more than letting the current push it around.  That's a start.

I'm really just trying to say that things are getting better.  The positives have not been as abundantly obvious as they've been in the past, but it doesn't mean that they're not there either.  This has been a rebuilding year, but you know what?  I'm cool with that.

Sep 5, 2011

Favorite Things MHC Edit

Of the series of edits I did for the Medicine Hat College this summer, ironically the favorite things edit I did for them was my favorite too.  What made this one so much fun to cut was that it was assembled from candid moments and comments from the staff about all of the random things that they like about working at MHC.  

It was also the edit I struggled with the most because it required the most balancing between people and subject matter in such a brief amount of time.  In addition to this, it had to feel light, casual, funny, and show as many faces from the College as possible.  I think the reason I like it so much is because it really was a challenging edit, but was also very genuine in its spontaneity.  From what I heard, the College Day screening was a big success.  That makes all the hard work worth it.

Research and Innovation MHC Edit

One of the edits I did for the Medicine Hat College this summer was focused on the research and innovation plans of the school.  While the subject matter made finding compelling b-roll challenging, Barb was able to capture footage from a variety of sources like the city water plant, a local design firm, and a student lab workshop.  It's always interesting to see how a project like this evolves when trying to summarize some of the specific goals or ambitions of a place like the College in just a few minutes.

Aug 29, 2011

When Life Hits the Fan

Over the last two weeks it feels like it's been one thing after the after.  Even with a week off for holidays, I found myself just as busy and just as stressed out by the flurry of activity that I found myself in.  I like being busy, but as things start piling on top of each other and as the good begins to blur with the bad, well, let's just say that it doesn't take long before you feel like curling up in a ball on the floor.

My story starts on August 12, a Friday.  I was busy rushing to finish up some last minute photography projects before I welcomed a long awaited week off for holidays.  While I wrapped things up at the office, the real work began that evening as I tried to complete the final video for what had been a six week project involving various edits for the College.  Things didn't quite work out.

At 11pm I placed a call asking for an extension on the deadline as I had to be up first thing on Saturday morning to drive 500km for a wedding in Regina.  The project was temporarily shelved and I was off to Saskatchewan. 

The wedding was for my friends Daunean and Ian.  I had lived with Daunean in residence and the wedding proved to be the perfect excuse to bring all of us College West brats back together again.  While I find an excuse to see the film school gang at least once every year, the residence group is spread all over the place so are meetings are too few and far between.  It made the event that much more bittersweet and enjoyable.

I awoke the next morning, hungover and exhausted.  There had been plans for a bonfire that evening, but after checking my emails and finding the new revisions for the College edit I had waiting back home I knew it wasn't in the cards.  It was the briefest trip I'd ever taken to Regina.  A whirlwind 24 hour visit with most of my time spent behind the wheel.

I was back in Medicine Hat on Sunday afternoon only to have my Jaguar start acting up.  As it turns out the drive was just as tiring for my car as a bit of tinkering confirmed that the throttle position sensor had officially conked out.  This was one of my worst fears as my early research when buying a Jaguar addressed this very problem.  The throttle position sensor isn't sold separately, but instead is sold as part of the entire throttle body assembly.  A part that costs over $2000 new.  Shit.  

To feel rushed through a wedding with editing work weighing on my mind is one thing, but then to be sidetracked by issues with my car is another.  I'm pretty handy and have done a lot of maintenance myself, but that Sunday there simply wasn't any time for me to do anything expect figure out what was wrong.  It was starting to feel like I wasn't going to be able to cross anything off my list as I had planned.  It was a late Sunday night spent editing.

Monday I had the College edits away and had some time to prepare for my friend Tyler to come and visit on Tuesday.  I was asked by my uncle to check on his house later in the week and so went to pick up keys at his place.  My aunt had been up in the cancer center in Calgary with what we found out later that week was a Pancreatic Neuroendrocrine Tumor.  The cancer speculations that began at the end of June had taken everyone by surprise, and as I was swept up in my busiest time of year with edits, I struggled with how something so heavy had come out of nowhere.   My aunt is back home for the time being as they explore possible treatments.

My cousin Leslie has been writing about the experience on her site.

By the time Tuesday came along I was thinking I could finally kill some time with my car before relaxing that evening with my old film school friend.  That wasn't the case.  Final revisions for the College edits came in and I was rushing to make changes for a now overdue project.  I was still rendering when Tyler arrived, but the hangout was welcome.

My phone began beeping on command first thing Wednesday morning as there was a problem. I wasn't even surprised at this point.  There were incompatibility issues with the College edits and their software.  More hours were spent rendering as I bounced between work and playing host, but later that afternoon the project was completed, delivered, and finally off of my plate.  

That evening I found out that my good friends Dave and Wendy had finally had their baby boy, Darwin.  Last year at this time Dave and I were finalizing details for our road trip to California, in which Dave spent much of the journey text messaging a new girl he'd met named, Wendy.  What a difference a year makes, huh? Wendy shared her birth story on her blog

The remaining days of my holiday were spent catching up with Tyler, finally getting a chance to visit with my friend Andrea after weeks of delayed hangouts, searching out a salvaged throttle body on eBay (which should be here any day now), and generally just trying to hang on to my sanity.

This swirl of activity has left me generally frustrated, stressed, and in a weird funk.  Since my week off things have started to even out somewhat, but I still feel consumed by all of the big things happening to those around me.  Work, weddings, babies, sickness, reunions, major repairs - it's a lot to process in a week.  It's like walking down the card aisle at Hallmark and feeling like you currently have a situation for each category.

I feel selfish for needing support when those around me are going through big life changing moments.  Perhaps that's what's hurting the most. I'm running on empty from six weeks of working two jobs at the peak of their busy seasons, and I've been reminded that the real challenge has been to have a life.  I just want a few days off, I want my car to work, I want to be able to save a bit of money without something else going wrong, and most of all, I want to be able to fully appreciate the big moments of those around me without feeling that my mind is somewhere else.

John Lennon had it right when he said 'Life is just what happens to you when you're busy making other plans'.  It is getting a bit messy though, so could somebody please turn down that fan just a little bit? 

Jan 24, 2011

Year in Gear

With everything seemingly in place as 2010 faded out, it was disappointing, but not altogether surprising that things didn't quite go the way they should of this month.  

Trying to shake my winter apathy I had everything wrapping up around Christmas to welcome January with open arms and a fresh start.  But, a day into 2011 and it already looked like the edits I was working on weren't ready to leave my desktop yet.  Christmas bills pending I was feeling good knowing that these edits would cover my holiday expenditures in full - that was until the heat on my car started to go.  

Snow piling up, complications with translations for the corporate edits, and delays with my full-time media work began taking their toll early.  It's not just the number of things on the go, but the stagnation that the combination encourages.  It seems to go this way every year for me.  January shows a glimpse of promise, but then throws a wrench in my otherwise good luck for several straight weeks of continuous frustration.

The only reason I'm writing this now is to further convince myself that I might finally be in the clear.  A Chinook has rolled in and is finally starting to ease the winter conditions, my corporate edits are all away and just awaiting a final thumbs up, and after taking the opportunity to get some preventive maintenance done, I should have my beloved Jaguar back in a couple of days.

It just goes to show that no matter how organized you are - and for an editor I believe I am - there really are never a shortage of variables waiting to test and challenge just how prepared you really are.  As the stress begins to melt now I'm finally remembering what I was thinking several weeks ago.  

What should I do with my 2011?  I think perhaps it's finally time that I start working on a new video project for myself. 

Oct 21, 2010

Stream Media Shout Out

In the several years that I've been working as a videographer and editor with Stream Media I have had the opportunity to see and participate in a lot of really cool projects. This summer in particular was full of several larger edits that occupied much of my extra time outside of the web company I also do video work for.

I wanted to give a shout out to Stream Media for being recognized by the EDA (Economic Development Alliance of Southern Alberta) after they received top honors at the 2010 National Marketing Awards for several projects produced by our team.

One of the edits I did this summer was mentioned specifically in the press release, which is really cool after all the work that went into it. You can see the press release and a link to the video here.

Congrats go out to EDA and Stream Media! I'm very proud to have been able to play a role in this success with you.

Jun 28, 2010

Whatever Works

It's now been just over two years since my university career came to a close. Tail between my legs I packed up my life in the dorms after 6 years to move back home to Alberta and into my folks' basement. The real low was feeling like it was all for nothing. Broke, no job leads, and a strong sense that I had failed those who had looked at me with such promise when I said I was off to film school, I was without question in a state of deep self loathing.

I don't know that I would be where I am now, in fact I think things would've been extremely different, had I not been forced to pull myself out of that low. Returning home forced me to re-evaluate. Basement living wasn't the best, but it certainly helped me attack my student loans head on and over the course of these last two years has allowed me to sling shot into a fairly enviable position.

The timing of this post is certainly no coincidence.

This month marks the end of my post-university transition - a term that's seen a lot of wear on this blog - I'm moving out, I've repaid substantial portions of my student debt, I have two unique film/media jobs that are creatively rewarding, and for the first time in my life I can say that I'm able to completely support myself and my ambitions without borrowing.

Still, it wasn't easy, there were a lot of questions and a lot of thinking that I needed to do to get myself out of my slump. I needed to figure out how I could approach film and video in a smaller city and find a way to connect myself to the right people. Using a connection that I made at the Medicine Hat Film Festival I got an interview, and eventually a job with Stream Media Inc. as a videographer and editor working in corporate video. This was a dream come true working on videos for so many diverse clients - and me, just a kid right out of university actually being assigned complete projects to act as sole editor on.

As the economy cooled in early 2009 I was forced to find more work and took a job as a copywriter for Weddingstar Inc. Working for this wedding website retailer actually became a blessing in disguise as the company saw the potential in my promotional videos. Over the course of my first 6 months I ended up establishing and running the in-house photography and video department for the website. This meant buying cameras, lighting equipment, a new edit suite, etc. and to talk about growth potential, the company has doubled its office space (building a new addition and warehouse) in the single year that I've been there. My position also officially changed at the start of 2010 from creative copywriter to web media producer.

I now balance my full time work at Weddingstar with my contract work at Stream Media. Both present unique challenges, and both positions didn't exist until I started working for each company. It just goes to show that sometimes we have more impact than we give ourselves credit for. There are also perks that become available when doing a job you love really well (sorry, couldn't help myself).

The lesson I've learned is to scavenge for opportunities that actually relate to what you really want to be doing - even when it may seem far fetched given your current location. Start small by just getting in touch with people who are in the field you want to be in. Reach out and ask questions. Search out growth potential by adopting new tasks in your current job. What has amazed me is how willing people have been to give me creative control because I asked for it - and then was able to prove myself. Passionate people appreciate other passionate people.

With everything that's come to pass in these last two years I can see how hard I've worked and just how lucky I've been. Don't kid yourself, to be successful and happy you have to learn to roll with things. I've learned to adapt, to step up, to be assertive and confident; I've learned to do whatever works. And with what university provided and then ultimately lacked, I've started a fresh chapter, a bit wiser than before.

Apr 22, 2010

Rob Hudec "Dandelion" Album Showcase

Just last month I cut a promo for Rob Hudec's new album 'Dandelion'. Using footage that was shot as part of the Medicine Hat College's Welcome Week, this was a relatively simple, but altogether fun piece to edit. Check it out below and for more see Rob Hudec's website here.

Feb 22, 2010

Medicine Hat College Edits

At the end of last year I was working with Stream Media on several projects, but perhaps one of the most enjoyable was the promo/contest video I was hired to make (along with the Stream team) for the Medicine Hat College.

What was particularly memorable about this project (which was completed in mid-January) was that I was actively involved from start to finish. Often I work strictly in post-production these days, but this time around I was asked to be part of the pre-production creative process and was able to see a lot of my ideas carried out.

In looking back at this assignment it's clear to see what a great group experience I had with Stream and how by borrowing on each of our strengths we managed to come up with something that we were all quite proud of.

I've been no stranger to working with the College over the last several years that I've been at Stream, and have had my hand in everything from MHC's athletics promotion to their recruitment videos - both as an editor and videographer. Of the edits that I've helped produce, the College pieces are by far some of the most varied and fun assignments that I've done for any single client.

As part of the Medicine Hat College's 'Face of MHC' campaign, in which students have a chance at winning free tuition among other rewards, the focus has been to find a student to document their experiences while showcasing all the different things going on at the College. It's exactly the kind of contest/opportunity that I would've been all over - had I been going to school there that is.

To be a part of the brainstorming process to come up with a promo idea is always fun because you get to see the evolution of rough ideas and concepts. Even when it's difficult, it's amazing to see how a video takes shape just by throwing ideas around. You throw something in the pot, take something out, add a dash there, and purge a lot of leftovers - it's a good way to bond. Of the few times that I've done this, especially now that it's with people I know quite well, it can be energizing to see how others can take your ideas and turn them into something you may not have thought of (and vice versa).

Originally, the idea for this project was to create a single edit. During our initial creative meeting I actually pushed the idea to create a short series of spots to establish more of a vignette of the college and the students who go there - both Stream and the College were keen on the idea and as added motivation for myself, I got to see my vision of the project being fulfilled with the creative contributions of everyone else involved.

I was not part of the shooting, but with Stream working closely with the College, some great candid footage of actual MHC students was captured. The real challenge was that each of these spots had to be exactly 30 seconds, which is a tight timeline to really establish anyone. Ultimately, it provided me another great opportunity to further test my editing style.

The work that the Stream team put into shooting these spots translated into the job I was able to do editing. It can be incredibly challenging trying to get real people to show some personality on camera, but in all 3 videos I think things went better than expected. In short, the project came together fairly seamlessly and in the end both MHC and us were really pleased.

These promos are simple and to the point, and for their intended purpose I think they feel both genuine and playful. I'm really pleased with what we were all able to come up with. The actual contest page for the Face of MHC can be seen on the Medicine Hat College's website here.

In the meantime, check out the 3 promos I cut last month.

Medinant - Face of MHC

Marcus - Face of MHC

Malorie - Face of MHC

Jul 4, 2009

Looking For Film Work

After leaving film school this simple phrase is most likely uttered by all aspiring filmmakers - "I'm looking for film work". As expected, it's easier said than done. Finding a job isn't exactly the problem, but finding quality, inspired, and motivating work (in any field) is a constant challenge.

Now to be clear, I feel quite lucky. My first job out of university last year was with Stream Media Inc. I'm currently still working as an editor and videographer with them on a contract basis, but since things have slowed down since the beginning of the year, that work alone doesn't pay the bills anymore. For a more steady income I took a job as a creative copywriter last month for a national wedding website. The job, while not immediately related, may be more valuable than expected as it looks like I'll be in charge of creating original video content for the site in the coming weeks - still it's not exactly what I saw myself doing. And throughout all this, I've maintained doing small video projects for extra income - promo vids, wedding vids, or even submitting my personal work to contests and festivals. So what's the problem you ask?

Well, it's not so much a problem as it's my post-uni coming of age. The idea of being in a single job for decades scares me to death - and at the same time, those lucrative film jobs aren't falling in my lap like I might of expected they would back in first year. While there's plenty of ways to infuse my creativity into the business world for the sake of making money, what I long for is the chance to do it in the creative world for the sake of making an impact. I'm not even referring to big budget Hollywood films or TV, I just mean something that I can feel passionate about.

Part of the challenge is my location, and on that front I feel like I've exceeded my expectations. The fact that I've been making money doing things that are related at all still surprises me. A bigger city is definitely part of the plan though - Calgary or Vancouver most likely. At the same time I wonder about things taking off with my current jobs. It's not out of the question that I'd stay in little Medicine Hat, Alberta if it meant making decent money and still being able to pursue my personal projects.
It's not an easy road I'm on, but I guess I was always kidding myself when I thought it might be. These challenges and experiences are clearly worth something, and at least I can hope that they'll push me to try new things. As all my former jobs have done, there's plenty of stories to draw on for material. I guess it's about finding ways to connect your own reality to what it is you want to ultimately achieve - pinpointing how the things you do now will help you out later.

Maybe that's the answer. Every student eventually has to face the reality that parts of work are simply about completing tasks, and others are about personal satisfaction. There's clearly a balance of positives and negatives to be worked out. For me, I'll just continue to chalk everything up to experience and hope that my own persistence leads me to new challenges, creative outlets, and more fulfilling opportunities. I think no matter what place I end up in, I'll always be telling myself that I'm still looking for more film work.