Jan 25, 2016

Million Dollar Theatre in Los Angeles

Constructed along Broadway in downtown Los Angeles in 1917, the Million Dollar Theatre was one of the first movie palaces built in the United States. Before he went on to build his Egyptian Theatre and Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard, the Million Dollar Theatre was Sid Grauman's first movie house. It officially opened in February 1918 and remains in use today. 

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles
Charlie Chaplin's "The Gold Rush" at the Million Dollar Theatre ca. 1925

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles
million dollar theatre downtown los angeles

million dollar theatre downtown los angeles
million dollar theatre downtown los angeles