May 23, 2010

Concluding Yobi Film

To skip ahead and cast a final vote click here.

After months of voting, the seemingly endless weeks of promotion, and the incredible support from so many friends and strangers, it's come down to these last few days. In an international online film contest that started with a Top 40, I'm now one of only two filmmakers remaining. I've made it as far as I can without actually winning, and there's still a couple days to tip the scale in my favor.

I'll keep it simple, your vote could literally make all the difference in a competition that has been an incredibly tight race. All you need is an email address to vote. The contest officially wraps on Wednesday, May 26. Results are then revealed on Friday.

Your support and vote for my Yobi Film profile could result in a trip for me to check out the Toronto International Film Festival this year as well as a cash reward that would not only go towards supporting my future film projects, but would also help me repay the remaining portion of two of my student loans from film school. It's no exaggeration when I say that this reward could be life changing.

If you've found yourself visiting my blog over the almost 3 years that it's been around, I think you can probably appreciate just how passionate and committed I am to what I do. I don't take any of these opportunities for granted, and really do feel that I wouldn't have achieved half of the things I have without the support, motivation, and compassion of so many who have just wanted to see me do well or give me a moment of their time. I can't thank you enough, whether this is your first time or hundredth time visiting, it's means a lot.

Please help me complete my run in the Yobi Film contest by casting this final vote for me to win here. It only takes a moment and could honestly make all the difference. Thank you!

May 20, 2010

The Empire Strikes Back 'Premake' Edit

For all those who enjoy Star Wars, which I assume is almost everyone, you should check out this amazing found footage edit done by whoiseyevan.

What he does is source out old movie footage to create 'premakes' - trailers for modern or popular films in the style of films from the 1940's or 1950's. It's actually quite impressive that he was able to find so many clips that could double for the popular Star Wars characters. Whether Lucas took inspiration from any of these films is debatable, but the point is that the edit is so good it makes you believe he just might have.

May 18, 2010

Video Sampler

With numerous random clicks coming through from the Yobi Film site because of the contest, I thought it would be appropriate to create a sampler post to give everyone a bit more of a preview of my work and editing style. I picked out some recent favs that I'd love for you to check out.