Jun 19, 2008

Mirage Volcano Las Vegas

This footage and edit comes directly from my Vegas travelog video in 2005. There's not much to explain here really, but if you've been to Vegas you've likely witnessed the volcano erupting out front of the Mirage several times. What makes this noteworthy though is that the famous Mirage volcano is going to be getting an upgrade soon, so it won't look exactly like this anymore.

Jun 17, 2008

Amazing Editing in 'Scary Mary'

I'm obviously an advocate for unique editing styles and projects, and although I'd known about this video for some time I realized that I hadn't shared it here. You've seen Mary Poppins before haven't you? Well you at least know the basic story; Britsh nanny comes in and helps the children with some music, cheer and whimsy. Now look at how brilliant this video is.

It's the original film and audio from the Disney classic Mary Poppins edited into a horror movie trailer. I have to say, this isn't just a parody, this is a pretty damn convincing horror flick promo which just goes to show how the decisions you make as an editor can turn raw footage into almost anything you want. Mary Poppins is kind of freaky huh?

Jun 14, 2008

Alaska Cruise Home Video

This footage is some of the very first that I ever shot. It's from 1998 when I was on a cruise with my family from Vancouver to Alaska. It was a pretty amazing trip, and although I just had a cheap camera at the time, I feel really fortunate to have captured what I did. It'll be a decade old this August. Maybe someday I'll get a chance to go back again and retrace some of those steps, but until then here's some of that history.