Mar 4, 2009

Stop Motion by The Last Laugh

I don't really need to say much, this video speaks for itself. This is just another edition of 'pay the compliment forward' for an outstanding production by another videomaker. I can only imagine how long it took to shoot.


Anonymous said...

I also wander how long it takes, but it is indeed something really interesting....

Anonymous said...

Could maybe be shot in a weekend, if well well planned...just sort of walk and stop through each linear locations, continously shooting...editing would be a whole 'nother matter I presume.

Editing Luke said...

Ya, the real challenge isn't even the time, it's keeping the continuity throughout. There are several clever transitions that I'm sure took a lot rehearsal and planning to execute. It's a neat short.

Anonymous said...

That was a really cool short film I cannot even imagine how in the world they created that I know the editing was probably a real pain the butt lol It still was a very cool video I had to share it with a few friends lol
Thanks for posting it