Apr 18, 2021

Wall Drug in South Dakota

To truly appreciate what Wall Drug is, you first have to abandon any notions that you might have about your typical drug store. Located in Wall, South Dakota this elaborate strip mall is one of the few reasons you'd probably stop in this little town along the interstate.

Wall Drug South Dakota

Wall Drug South Dakota

Opened in 1931, Wall Drug has evolved over the decades into a massive roadside tourist attraction featuring shops, restaurants, kitschy western displays, and of course, a drug store.  What makes Wall Drug unique is in how it advertises. You can't drive anywhere in South Dakota without seeing a billboard along any of the interstates, many promoting "Free Ice Water". 

In fact, there's a display of photos throughout the store showing people holding a Wall Drug sign all over the world and saying how far away they are from it. Wall Drug even marks their geographical coordinates right next to their doors in case you needed further proof that you've actually arrived. We spent an hour looking around and buying souvenirs. 

Wall Drug is one of those quirky roadside attractions that you just have to see for yourself.

Wall Drug South Dakota

Wall Drug South Dakota

Wall Drug South Dakota

Wall Drug South Dakota

Wall Drug South Dakota

Wall Drug South Dakota

Wall Drug South Dakota

Wall Drug South Dakota
Wall Drug South Dakota

Wall Drug South Dakota

Apr 17, 2021

Killington Mountain Lodge in Vermont

The Killington Ski Resort in Vermont is the largest ski area in the eastern United States and is noted for having the largest vertical drop in New England. Surrounded by beautiful scenery, the area is served by year round resorts like the Killington Mountain Lodge.  

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont
Vintage Killington Ski Guide.

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont

Killington Mountain Lodge Vermont


Apr 16, 2021

A Collage of Tokyo Street Scenes

Some of my favourite shots on any given travel shoot are the random street scenes captured between locations. As my series from around Tokyo, Japan continues to unfold as part of the Overseas collection, in anticipation of the (delayed) 2020 Summer Olympics, I put together this collage to provide a brief overview of some of the releases thus far.

Tokyo Street Photography