Sep 14, 2015

Ghost Town of Orion, Alberta

Shrouded in the smoky haze of summer wildfires, we drove into Orion, Alberta after spotting a few abandoned buildings. Weathered wood, a few old license plates, and overgrown prairie grass set the scene. It was quiet, eerie, and further spurred our curiosity to explore.

orion alberta ghost town

orion alberta ghost town

orion alberta ghost town

orion alberta ghost town

orion alberta ghost town

orion alberta ghost town
orion alberta ghost town
orion alberta ghost town

orion alberta ghost town

orion alberta ghost town

orion alberta ghost town

orion alberta ghost town

orion alberta ghost town

orion alberta ghost town

Sep 3, 2015

Territorial Court House in Fort Macleod, Alberta

Constructed between 1902 to 1904, the Court House in Fort Macleod, Alberta is recognized as a National Historic Site of Canada. Its significance lies in its roots as a territorial court house before Alberta became a province in 1905. Many other territorial court houses were repurposed or demolished following the implementation of a provincial court system in 1907. This one in Fort Macleod has survived however, and as such it is the oldest court house in Alberta.