Jul 23, 2013

Vintage Farm Machinery at Echo Dale: Part 1

Chipped paint, rusting metal, and cracked wood lit by a setting sun lend themselves to rich photography. The old farm machinery down at Echo Dale Farm is beautifully symbolic of the history here and across Western Canada. These rustic machines reflect a century of growth throughout the prairies, and in building a photo series inspired by the history that's close to home, I couldn't ask for more appropriate subject matter.

Jul 22, 2013

St. John's Church Sandstone Graffiti

I touched on this briefly in my original post featuring St. John's, but the near century old graffiti around the sandstone foundation of the church is a pretty cool reminder of the history here. Most of it is hard to read, but I had fun trying. With initials, random dates, and lots of scratches, this vintage graffiti is a pretty fascinating record of the years gone by. For that reason, I knew I had to include this in my photo series.  

Jul 21, 2013

Cypress Club Postcards

The latest postcards in my Around the Hat shop include this set of 5 cards photographed in the interior of the historic Cypress Club. This location is amazingly well kept and full of unique antiquities. Check out these original postcards along with the growing collection of prints in my shop.