All the work that went into the portfolio site won't simply disappear and it may just be hosted in a reduced free format. I'm not yet entirely convinced that I won't just rework my site concept and modify it again. The only thing that's for certain is that wasn't pulling the numbers I wanted it to for it to be worth the current expense. Really, I'm just considering how I can use my domain to its fullest advantage, and right now things keep pointing back to this blog.
If my goal at this time last year was about expansion, my goal now is about efficiency. I'd like to take this blog further, inject more personality, develop more content, and find a broader identity for promotions sake. Creating a more cohesive theme and posting strategy is where I'll start.
In any case, I wanted to invite you all to check out the portfolio site as it is before the end of the year and ask you to send messages or leave comments if you have any advice or feedback about the space. What would make it better, what would make this blog better?
Big changes and a redesign to come for 2011.