Nov 23, 2010

One Hundred Thousand

On November 18, Editing Luke received its 100,000th visitor since debuting on May 31, 2007. This milestone adds to an already exciting year in which my little stake of online property gained some new ground, went through some renovations, and moved a few rungs up the ladder.

This year began with a bang as my portfolio site was launched at In May I made my 500th post, in August my online video views rolled passed one million, and now my blog views have reached 6 figures. I've always been quick to advertise these steps along the way because I've wanted to make it clear that I don't take any of them for granted. It's also been a big part of the motivation since establishing this site in film school, that I was always challenging myself, growing, and working towards the goals I've set out to achieve personally and professionally.

Sharing bits and pieces of my work or my ideas or my goals isn't always easy, and this site has taken on various incarnations as I've often struggled to find a balance between personal promotion and creating broader entertainment. The truth is that I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't enjoying it though.

So, thank you for sharing in the milestones and for continuing to make them a reality. Thank you for offering feedback and advice. Thank you for making my site more interesting with each passing year. And most importantly, thank you for fueling my ambitions and often giving me the extra motivation I crave to push myself harder and further than I would otherwise. Cheers to you 100,000 times!

Nov 22, 2010

Postcard From Bali by Stephan Kot

Here's another inspired find from Vimeo. This postcard by Stephan Kot is beautifully shot and edited. The depth of field in many of the shots is terrifically executed and gives familiar details added punctuation. There's a cinematic sensibility throughout, painting a picture of a rich and visceral experience. I have yet to tackle my condensed Indio edit yet, but jewels like this continue to inspire and challenge what I might come up with. A job well done, Stephan Kot!

Nov 20, 2010

Desert Run

Skirting through Arizona's scenic canyons we continued our motivated drive south to California. The destination for this evening however, was Las Vegas. You could feel the heat and sunlight changing in the late afternoon. By the time we stopped for gas in Nevada there was a warm orange glow over the landscape and the pavement was radiating the days heat.

We passed a Hostess truck that seemed fitting given the frequency of our references from The Wizard - the boys hid in one to escape. I was also quick to notice a Jaguar as we cruised by - ah, memories of home. With Vegas on the horizon I knew our day was just beginning.