Jul 7, 2008

5 Things I've Never Done

I was tagged through my YouTube channel to say 5 random things that I've never done, and then respond with 1 thing that I have done that the person who tagged me said they hadn't. There's obviously a lot more than 5 things that I haven't done, but this was my response.

Jul 4, 2008

Educated Detours

I'm about to head back to Regina this weekend for the first time since leaving university a few months ago. It should be a good time, but I figured it would be fitting to post the short film I made a couple summers ago, Educated Detours. The project was about life after school and treasure hunting in Saskatchewan! I went into a bit more detail when I first posted this movie, but the full project can be screened below. There's also a trailer if you want a brief overview. 

Jul 2, 2008

Where the Hell is Matt?

This is the latest (2008) version of the popular 'Where the Hell is Matt' series of viral videos. You've probably received one or two of these vids of Matt dancing all over the world in an email before, but this one was my favourite. It's just one of those videos that puts you in a good mood, and makes you wish you could travel to all those places too. Enjoy!