Showing posts with label Victoria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victoria. Show all posts

Mar 20, 2018

St. Ann's Academy in Victoria, B.C.

Comprised of what was once a chapel, school, and convent, St. Ann's Academy in Victoria, British Columbia was built by the Roman Catholic women's Congregation of the Sisters of St. Ann from Quebec. The chapel inside St. Ann's Academy was the original St. Andrew's before the new cathedral was constructed in downtown Victoria. 

St Anns Academy Victoria BCAfter the academy closed its doors in 1974, the building was completely refurbished and converted into office space for use by the provincial government of British Columbia. The chapel, parlours, and infirmary, as well as the exterior architecture, was preserved in the restoration. Today, St. Ann's Academy is a National Historic Site of Canada.
St Anns Academy Victoria BC
St Anns Academy Victoria BC

St Anns Academy Victoria BC

St Anns Academy Victoria BC

St Anns Academy Victoria BC
St Anns Academy Victoria BC

St Anns Academy Victoria BC
St Anns Academy Victoria BC
St Anns Academy Victoria BC

St Anns Academy Victoria BC

St Anns Academy Victoria BC

St Anns Academy Victoria BC

Feb 24, 2018

British Columbia Legislature in Victoria

Completed in 1897, the British Columbia Parliament Buildings in Victoria, B.C. are home to the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. This beautiful structure overlooks the Victoria harbour and is easily one of the most recognizable landmarks on Vancouver Island. From the impressive legislative chamber to the lights that adorn the exterior, this capital building is a highlight and just one of the numerous amazing places to explore within Victoria.
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building VictoriaBritish Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
Statue of Queen Victoria.
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
War memorial in Victoria, B.C.

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria
British Columbia Legislature Parliament Building Victoria

Sep 28, 2017

Fisgard Lighthouse on Vancouver Island

Completed in 1860 by the British, Fisgard Lighthouse is the oldest permanent lighthouse on the Pacific coast of Canada.  It was built to guide mariners into the Esquimalt Harbour on Vancouver Island in British Columbia. Today, Fisgard Lighthouse is a recognized National Historic Site of Canada and an incredibly scenic part of the Pacific Northwest to explore.

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC
Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC
Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC
Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC

Fisgard Lighthouse Vancouver Island BC