Showing posts with label Tokyo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tokyo. Show all posts

Apr 30, 2021

600 Steps: Tokyo Tower Stairs

Some of the most unique views of popular places are hidden in plain sight, and this is especially true of the staircase at Tokyo Tower in Tokyo, Japan. With nearly 600 steps between the base and main observation deck, the open-air staircase offers up some incredible vantage points from inside the steel framework of one of Japan's most iconic structures. 

Protip: Do as we did and take the elevator up and the staircase down.

Stairs Tokyo Tower

Stairs Tokyo Tower

Stairs Tokyo Tower

Stairs Tokyo Tower

Stairs Tokyo Tower

Stairs Tokyo Tower

Stairs Tokyo Tower

Stairs Tokyo Tower

Stairs Tokyo Tower


Apr 16, 2021

A Collage of Tokyo Street Scenes

Some of my favourite shots on any given travel shoot are the random street scenes captured between locations. As my series from around Tokyo, Japan continues to unfold as part of the Overseas collection, in anticipation of the (delayed) 2020 Summer Olympics, I put together this collage to provide a brief overview of some of the releases thus far.

Tokyo Street Photography


Mar 12, 2021

Shibuya Scramble Crossing in Tokyo, Japan

As one of the busiest pedestrian crossings in the world, Shibuya Crossing (or Shibuya Scramble) in Tokyo, Japan can see upwards of 3000 people flood the street with every light change. The spectacle of this rotation between pedestrians and traffic is fascinating to watch, incredibly Japanese in its efficiency, and has made the scramble one of Tokyo's most featured locales.  

Shibuya Scramble Crossing Tokyo

Shibuya Scramble Crossing Tokyo

Shibuya Scramble Crossing Tokyo

Shibuya Scramble Crossing Tokyo

Shibuya Scramble Crossing Tokyo

Shibuya Scramble Crossing Tokyo

Shibuya Scramble Crossing Tokyo

Shibuya Scramble Crossing Tokyo

Shibuya Scramble Crossing Tokyo

Shibuya Scramble Crossing Tokyo

Shibuya Scramble Crossing Tokyo

Mar 2, 2021

Visiting a Cat Cafe in Tokyo, Japan

Cat cafes are wildly popular across Japan, so a spontaneous visit to one in Tokyo was perhaps par for the course. I can't say that any of the cats were particularly interested in welcoming visitors during our brief encounter, but they did deliver the grumpy cat vibes in spades.

Tokyo Cat Cafe Japan

Tokyo Cat Cafe Japan

Tokyo Cat Cafe Japan

Tokyo Cat Cafe Japan

Tokyo Cat Cafe Japan

Tokyo Cat Cafe Japan

Tokyo Cat Cafe Japan

Tokyo Cat Cafe Japan

Tokyo Cat Cafe Japan

Tokyo Cat Cafe Japan

Tokyo Cat Cafe Japan

Tokyo Cat Cafe Japan