Jul 10, 2013

Kin Park Teepee Village: Part 2

Last year I photographed the teepee village that was set up in Kin Park for National Aboriginal Week, and I got such a good response from the set that I decided to do it again this year. The teepees are so much fun to capture, and in diversifying my Around the Hat photo series, they're such iconic symbols of that prairie flavour that I'm trying to reflect. Here are some of my favourite shots that I took.

Jul 9, 2013

Coast Hotels Photo Shoot

In a growing list of unique places that I've worked this year, over the weekend I was hired by Coast Hotels to photograph some of their newly upgraded rooms here in Medicine Hat. While location specific photography is certainly nothing new to me, this was the first time that I'd done a complete set for a hotel. 

The shoot was pretty straightforward, but I really enjoyed the experience. I'm also really proud of how the shots came together. It's a great looking hotel with several really unique room styles too. Here are a few of my shots.