May 27, 2022

First Hot Air Balloon Ride Over Medicine Hat, Alberta

Last night's shoot from the air was a long standing bucket list experience checked off my list. I'm proud to share that the Rise Up Hot Air Balloon Festival in Medicine Hat has hired Editing Luke as their official photographer for this first of its kind event in Southeastern Alberta.

Rise Up YXH Hot Air Balloon Festival Medicine Hat


May 25, 2022

Jaws "Bruce the Shark" at the Academy Museum

This fibreglass model is the fourth and only surviving shark cast from the original mold used for Jaws (1975). Nicknamed "Bruce" by Steven Spielberg during production, this iconic shark can now be found on display at the Academy Museum in Los Angeles, California.

Jaws Bruce Shark Academy Museum LA

Jaws Bruce Shark Academy Museum LA

Jaws Bruce Shark Academy Museum LA

Jaws Bruce Shark Academy Museum LA

Jaws Bruce Shark Academy Museum LA

Jaws Bruce Shark Academy Museum LA

Jaws Bruce Shark Academy Museum LA

Jaws Bruce Shark Academy Museum LA

Jaws Bruce Shark Academy Museum LA

Jaws Bruce Shark Academy Museum LA