Dec 30, 2021

Announcing A New Documentary

So, a little news to share ...

In the spring of 2021, feeling like I was still spinning my wheels with everything going on, I went into development on some new ideas. I came up with a few concepts, pitched them around, and settled on one that I was really excited about.

I won't drag this news out ... this fall it all came together. Word came back that my latest film proposal received the greenlight

Luke Fandrich Filmmaker Documentary

With the treatment approved, funding secured, and the production agreement signed - I'm happy to finally announce that my next feature documentary project is going into production in 2022.

There will obviously be lots to share as everything unfolds in the months ahead - particularly as production kicks off next month - for now, just let me say how thrilled I am to have the opportunity to dive into an elaborate storytelling experience like this and direct another original project. Details to come.

Happy new year, indeed!

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