Jan 5, 2012

Darwin and My iPod

Over the New Year's weekend I got to spend some long awaited quality time with my honorary nephew, Darwin.  In the course of snapping a bunch of pictures of the two of us it became pretty clear that Darwin was as fascinated by my iPod as I've been. Specifically, he loved the fact that he could see a live image of himself through the camera before a picture was taken.

Darwin was eager to reach for the screen and make faces.  He even calmed down a couple of times when he was getting a bit fussy just by seeing himself on screen again. It was a lot of fun to play with him like this, and by the time our matching flat caps came out I was well on my way to having a complete album of the many faces of a 4.5 month old Darwin.  

The fact that I don't get to see Darwin in person on a regular basis makes moments like this special, and it plays right into my documenting habits.  I want him to know I've been around as he grows up, and who knows, it might be just the thing to convince me that I really want kids someday too.  For now, I'm happy to have the pictures.


Wendy said...

Oh my goodness! Most adorable post I have ever seen, Luke!

Seriously, it was nice seeing you get a chance to interact with him. It's clear that you love the little guy and I'm happy that he will have you as a creative male role model as he grows up. You can share stories with him about Dave when he gets older and that is special :)

Editing Luke said...

I had a feeling you might like this post, Wendy. It will be a lot of fun as he gets older too, and I was glad to get some one on one time in while I was visiting :)

Anonymous said...

So cool :), your a wonderful Uncle Luke :)