Nov 17, 2009

Editing Luke Ends and Begins Again

For two and a half years I've spent countless hours refining, polishing, rewriting, and enhancing this blog - Editing Luke. The idea was that it was my portfolio and that investing this time was somehow worth it. Fellow readers and viewers I can't begin to express how much I've appreciated your interest and feedback throughout this process, but on January 1, 2010 everything is about to change . . .

This is the part of the post where I explain that there's no way I'd give up on this blog so easily and what I'm actually talking about is a complete reinvention of my brand and the launch of an actual site . . . and the crowd erupts in lackluster applause, haha.

Editing Luke as a blog has been valuable for numerous reasons which you need only scroll back a few posts to realize. What I mean by this is that this blog has provided a direct and ongoing way for me to speak my mind, share my videos, and connect with other artists, filmmakers, editors, etc. What it has struggled to do though is act as the portfolio and sleek promotional tool that I think it could be.

So, what's changing? For starters, come January 1, 2010 my brand new portfolio site will launch - not another blog, but an actual site. Editing Luke will then undergo some small revisions and re-branding to become the blog element of the new site. This won't really change the way you experience Editing Luke as it'll still be a stand alone website on blogger, however, this does change the hierarchy.

With the new site (still Editing Luke by the way) focused on the portfolio and professional side of my promotion this will free up this blog to take a more casual approach for observations. The hope is that it will make this blog even more dynamic and engaging, while the new host site adds the glossy package and clean styling that clearly highlights my work and myself. I think this fresh start at the beginning of a new decade is just what I need as I prepare for my next set of challenges ahead in 2010.

The design and construction of the new site is already underway. Stay tuned for more updates and some big changes before the end of the year!


Angry Charlie said...

Ahhh! Well congrats! I can't wait to see how this works out for you. It will be quite interesting to see where the next step takes you. As my great grandmother used to say right before her bedtime gallon of ice cream "Diss gonna be goood!"

Jackie said...

Glad to hear you are not giving up blogging, I am not great at leaving comments but have always taken the time to read your posts, and have enjoyed doing so, when coming across your blog via Blog Explosion.

B said...

What great news! I can't wait to see how everything looks once you relaunch! Good luck on everything!

sweetromance2 said...

Congratulations on your new plans, best of luck in your endeavors.