Jun 7, 2009

The Beatles Rockband Trailer

Whenever I feel compelled to divert my posts away from my own work, I'd like to think that it's to share something above average. Not a mere viral video, but something that showcases true creativity. Enter the trailer for the Beatles Rockband game.

I've immersed myself in the music and history of the Beatles since my early teenage years - to say they're my favourite band is an understatement. This trailer, which is technically the intro to the game itself, is a beautiful animation! The execution and transition through Beatles trademark moments is mesmorizing and incredibly clever. It's a must see . . . I can't wait to pick up a copy for myself. Damn those clever advertisers making me want this even more! Enjoy!

1 comment :

trench said...

Definitely renting this one just to get all the XBOX achievements!